E.ON Interconnection Karlsfeld/Lehrte

  • country
  • customer
    Siemens AG, Germany
  • end customer
    E.ON Germany

E.ON Interconnection Karlsfeld/Lehrte

  • TIF 1.1     Telecommunication Interface 1.1

    TIF 1.2:    Telecommunication Interface 1.2

    M:            Master

    S:            Slave


    Data exchange between the two control stations Karlsfeld and Lehrte, Germany, was implemented with our ipRoute router in redundant operation. The software was extended to meet all project-specific requirements.

    Communication between the router and Karlsfeld control station uses IEC 60870-5-101 in balanced mode on two separate lines.
    Line 1 transmits messages and measured values from Karlsfeld control station to the router and set points from the router to Karlsfeld control station. With respect to Line1, the router behaves like a  'master'.
    Line 2 passes messages and measured values from the the router to Karlsfeld station and set points from Karlsfeld control station to the router. In this respect, the router behaves like a 'slave'.

    Communication between ipRoute and Lehrte control station also runs on the IEC 60870-5-101 protocol in balanced mode. In this context, the router is both master and slave.

    After delivery, the installation was extended and another function added. Set points from Lehrte control station (in control direction) are converted to measured values and passed on to the RTU channel.

Used Products
  • ipRoute

    Router for IEC 870-5-101 and IEC 870-5-104 protocols