SNMP, Client

see also protocol(s)

Implemented Features
  • Version

    SNMP V1, V2 and V3 are supported

  • Data Access

    - simultaneous access and supervision of multiple SNMP agents
    - cyclical read of SNMP variables with parametrizable access interval
    - SNMP-Traps
    - write access to SNMP variables

  • Configuration

    simple configuration of SNMP variables using the OID via Excel

  • Supported Data Types

    - BOOLEAN, INTEGER, OCTETSTRING, Gauge, Counter (additional types on demand)
    standard and user-defined functions allow the adaption of SNMP data types to other protocols like IEC 60870-5-101, IEC 60870-5-104, DNP 3.0, etc.

  • Addtional Features

    - time tag is added to the data values on change
    - a quality tag is assinged to each data point depending on whether it could be retrieved or not
    - an additional data point signals the communication status with an agent

This protocol stack can be used with following products
  • ipConvLite

    Universal protocol converter for small and distributed applications

  • ipConv

    Universal protocol converter for highest degree of flexibility

  • ipConvOPC

    Windows software package for universal conversion between diverse standard protocols

  • ipConv/VM

    Universal protocol conversion for VMware Workstation and VMware ESXi

  • ipConv/Cloud

    Software for universal protocol conversion in cloud environment and standard Linux dis­tri­bu­tions

  • ipConvLite/MEC2PBM

    Universal protocol converter with integrated PROFIBUS-DP, master interface

  • ipConvLite/MEC2PBS

    Universal protocol converter with integrated PROFIBUS-DP, slave interface

  • ipConvLite/MEC2PNS

    Universal protocol converter with integrated PROFINET-IO, slave interface

  • ip4Cloud

    Link critical processes securely to IT/Cloud/SCADA services

  • ip4Cloud/SEC3PB

    Capture PROFIBUS data by eavesdropping and transmit it to Cloud/IT or SCADA services

  • ip4Cloud/SEC3IO

    Switch and monitor digital I/O states to transmit them to IT/Cloud/SCADA services

  • ipELB

    4-Port Ethernet Line Breaker with relay controlled Ethernet ports and integrated I/O module

This protocol stack was used in following projects
  • BLS Lötschbergtunnel II
    BLS Lötschbergtunnel II, Switzerland

    Products: ipConv ipRoute
    Protocol Stacks: IEC 60870-5-104, Master IEC 60870-5-104, Slave SNMP, Client

  • BLS AlpTransit - Lötschbergtunnel
    BLS AlpTransit - Lötschbergtunnel, Switzerland

    Products: ipConv ipRoute
    Protocol Stacks: OPC DA 3.0, Server IEC 60870-5-104, Slave IEC 60870-5-101, Master IEC 60870-5-104, Master SNMP, Client

  • Nordsee One
    Nordsee One, Germany

    Products: ipConv
    Protocol Stacks: Modbus, Master IEC 60870-5-104, Slave IEC 60870-5-101, Slave IEC 61850, Client IEC 61850, Server OPC UA 1.02, Server SNMP, Client

    WINGAS, Germany

    Products: ipConvLite
    Protocol Stacks: SNMP, Client IEC 60870-5-104, Slave