Power Plants Hinterrhein

  • customer
    Rittmeyer AG, Switzerland
  • end customer
    Kraftwerke Hinterrhein AG, Switzerland

Power Plants Hinterrhein

  • The Power Plant Hinterrhein AG (KHR) operates the largest combination of hydroelectric energygenerating facilities in Grisons. The four central power stations Sils, Bärenburg, Thusis and Fererra generate 1410 GWh electricity per year. A complete overhaul of the power plant, which is a major junction in the Swiss and European grids, should be completed in 2017.
    The facility components are replaced and connected step by step. In order to ensure the communication between the new control system of the Rittmeyer AG and existing substations, IPCOMM has been instructed to deliver ipConv gateways.

    The communication between ipConv gateway and substation is done by Indactic 2033 protocol. The gateway is configured as "master".
    The communication between ipConv gateway and control station is done by IEC 60870-5-104 protocol. The gateway is configured as "slave".
    As hardware platform our DIN-Rail Embedded Controller MEC (without any rotating parts) is used. The MEC provides 4 RS232 interfaces and 2 Ethernet adapters. Per gateway up to 5.000 data points can be transmitted.
    The substations "Zentrale" Sils, Bärenburg, Thusis and Ferrera are each connected to a decentrally installed gateway
    The gateway is equipped with RS232 interfaces which allow only asynchronous (UART conform) data traffic. A telecontrol transformer TCT is used to interconnect bit synchronous protocols, e.g. non-standard PCM (pulse code modulation) or PDM (pulse density modulation) protocols. The telecontrol transformers are connected with different baud rates (max. 2.400 baud).
    The connection of the remote stations to the RS232 interfaces of the gateways or TCT can be realized via the V.24 standard.

    Additional background information on power plants Hinterrhein

Used Products
  • ipConv

    Universal protocol converter for highest degree of flexibility

Used Protocol Stacks

IEC 60870-5-104, Slave

Indactic 33/41, 2033, Master