Iran Gas Project

Iran Gas Project

  • More than 170 RTUs, distributed across several hierarchically organized control stations, were to be connected to the superordinate control station. Communication on the control level is implemented with IEC 60870-5-104.
    Communication between the control levels and the RTUs is implemented via IEC 60870-5-101 in balanced mode. ipXRoute (RCC or RCI), a project-specific variant of our standard product ipRoute, takes care of protocol conversion. 

    ipXRoute has been specifically designed to enable dynamic address routing. The addresses of the subordinate systems are generated and entered into the transmission table during runtime.
    Depending on the router location, time synching is initiated either via NTP (Network Time Protocol) or directly via the IEC 60870-5-101 protocol.

    In addition, redundant routers, stand-alone routers and dial-up routers are used.
    The RCC interface handles the communication with the superordinate control stations, the RCI interface handles the  communication with the subordinate devices.
    The superordinate control stations run on our high-performance 19" industrial PCs, our top hat rail embedded PCs HEC (no rotating parts) are used as hardware platform for the subordinate control stations.

Used Products
  • ipRoute

    Router for IEC 870-5-101 and IEC 870-5-104 protocols