IPCOMM delivered ipConv gateways to link HVDC bipolar converter stations (Simatic TDC control systems) and the SIPROTEC protection devices
with the IEC 60870-5-104 master station.
The TDCs are connected to the gateways with the Siemens specific protocol Simatic TDC.
The SIPROTEC protection devices communicate with the gateways via IEC 60870-5-103 or IEC 61850.
The communication between the gateways and the master stations of the transmission system operators RTE (Réseau Transport d’Électricité)
in France and REE (Red Eléctrica de España) in Spain is redundant.
Our industrial pc IPC191V3 19" 1U is used as hardware platform.
This IPCOMM solution is part of the HVDC system INELFE (INterconnection ELectrical France-España).
See also www.inelfe.eu
HVDC link between France and Spain as part of the Trans-European Network
Siemens Energy is currently erecting the power converter stations for a high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) transmission link between Baixas,
to the west of Perpignan in France, and Santa Llogaia, south-west of Figueras in Spain, as important components of the Trans-European Network
for electrical power.
The installation can transmit a rated power of 2000 megawatts (MW) - enough to transport large amounts of electric power with a minimum of transmission losses.
The stations use the new HVDC technology HVDC Plus with a transmission voltage of ±320 kilovolts (kV).
The distance between the two converter stations is around 65 kilometers.
(Extract from the Siemens trade press information, Erlangen, January 12, 2011)