OPC DA 3.0, Server

see also protocol(s)


    OPC DA 3.0, Server is a powerful and reliable protocol stack. OPC DA 3.0, Server has proven it's capabilities in many prestigious projects. OPC DA 3.0, Server provides following features:

    • OPC DA 3.0, Server was certified by the OPC Foundation® and allows a fast and seamless integration and reliable operation
    • as an integral part of the certification procedure OPC DA 3.0, Server was tested in a workshop carried out by the OPC Foundation® with OPC Clients of many other vendors such as  ABB® 800xA System, Siemens® Simatic WinCC V6.00, Wonderware® Industrial Application Server/FSGateway, ICONICS® GraphWorX32 etc.
    • OPC DA 3.0, Server supports either local communication  (client und server running on the same machine) and distributed communication over LAN (client and server running on different machines)
    • OPC DA 3.0, Server supports several simultaneous, independent and fully operational connections to different OPC clients. The maximum number of connections is only limited by the system resources
    • OPC DA 3.0, Server doesn't require any separate data point configuration. The protocol stack allows direct access to data points configured at subordinate protocol stacks
    • OPC DA 3.0, Server supports transmission of quality and time tag directly from the information source i.e.  if the data points are gathered by protocol stacks like IEC 60870-5-101, Master, DNP V3.00, Master etc., the original quality information and time tag (if available) is preserved and transmitted to the OPC client
    • OPC DA 3.0, Server also supports local time tagging of data points if the time tag is not provided by the source of information


    OPC Foundation Self-Tested for Compliance logo is a trademark of the OPC Foundation and may be used only by written permission of the OPC Foundation. Any unauthorized use of the Self-Tested for Compliance logo is prohibited.


    Supported Interfaces

    Object Interface Description
    OPCServer IUnknown OK
    IOPCServer OK
    IOPCCommon OK
    IConnectionPointContainer OK
    IOPCItemProperties OK
    IOPCBrowse OK
    IOPCServerPublicGroups (optional) N/I
    IOPCBrowseServerAddressSpace (optional) OK
    OPCGroup IUnknown OK
    IOPCItemMgt OK
    IOPCGroupStateMgt OK
    IOPCGroupStateMgt2 OK
    IOPCPublicGroupStateMgt (optional) N/I
    IOPCSyncIO2 OK
    IOPCAsyncIO2 OK
    IOPCAsyncIO3 OK
    IOPCItemDeadbandMgt OK
    IOPCItemSamplingMgt OK
    IConnectionPointContainer OK
    IOPCAsyncIO (obsolete) OK
    IDataObject (obsolete) OK
    EnumOPCItemAttributes IEnumOPCItemAttributes OK

    Supported Data Types [Monitoring Direction]

    NI-Type Access Right OPC Type Value Range Description
    SI READABLE I1, I2, I4, UI1, UI2, UI4, INT, UINT APP (1), DIS (2) single indication, APP = appearing, DIS = disappearing
    BOOL TRUE (0xFFFF) = APP (1), FALSE (0x0000) = DIS (2)
    DI READABLE I1, I2, I4, UI1, UI2, UI4, INT, UINT DST0 (0), ON (1), OFF (2), DST (3) double indication, DST0 (intermediate state) , ON (closed), OFF (open), DST1 (invalid state)
    MSV READABLE I1, I2, I4, UI1, UI2, UI4, INT, UINT -231 ... +231-1 scaled measured value, 32 Bit, Integer Representation
    MNV READABLE I1, I2, I4, UI1, UI2, UI4, INT, UINT -215 ... +215-1 normalized measured value, 16 Bit, integer representation
    MFV READABLE I1, I2, I4, UI1, UI2, UI4, INT, UINT -231 ... +231-1 floating point value 32 Bit, integer representation
    R4, R8 IEEE STD 754 floating point value
    CV READABLE I1, I2, I4, UI1, UI2, UI4, INT, UINT 0 ... +231-1 counter value, 32 Bit, integer representation
    BP READABLE I1, I2, I4, UI1, UI2, UI4, INT, UINT -231 ... +231-1 bit pattern, 32 Bit,integer representation

    Supported Data Types [Control Direction]

    NI-Type Access Right OPC Type Value Range Description
    SC WRITABLE BOOL TRUE (0xFFFF) = ON (1) , FALSE (0x0000) = OFF (2) single command, ON (close), OFF (open)
    I1, I2, I4, UI1, UI2, UI4, INT, UINT ON (1), OFF (2)
    DC WRITABLE BOOL TRUE (0xFFFF) = ON (1) , FALSE (0x0000) = OFF (2) double command, ON (close), OFF (open)
    I1, I2, I4, UI1, UI2, UI4, INT, UINT ON (1), OFF (2)
    SP WRITABLE I1, I2, I4, UI1, UI2, UI4, INT, UINT, R4, R8 -231 ... +231-1 setpoint, 32 Bit
    SPF WRITABLE I1, I2, I4, UI1, UI2, UI4, INT, UINT, R4, R8 IEEE STD 754 floating point setpoint, 32 Bit
This protocol stack can be used with following products
  • ipConvOPC

    Windows software package for universal conversion between diverse standard protocols

This protocol stack was used in following projects
  • BLS AlpTransit - Lötschbergtunnel
    BLS AlpTransit - Lötschbergtunnel, Switzerland

    Products: ipConv ipRoute
    Protocol Stacks: OPC DA 3.0, Server IEC 60870-5-104, Slave IEC 60870-5-101, Master IEC 60870-5-104, Master SNMP, Client

  • ABBOPC1013
    ABBOPC1013, Switzerland

    Products: ipConv
    Protocol Stacks: IEC 60870-5-101, Slave IEC 60870-5-103, Master OPC DA 3.0, Server OPC DA 3.0, Client OPC AE 1.10, Client OPC AE 1.10, Server

  • RWE Mosel Hydro Power Stations
    RWE Mosel Hydro Power Stations, Germany

    Products: ipConvOPC ipRoute
    Protocol Stacks: OPC DA 3.0, Server IEC 60870-5-104, Master

  • Andritz Hydro GmbH, A-Vienna
    Andritz Hydro GmbH, A-Vienna, South Africa

    Products: ipConvOPC
    Protocol Stacks: IEC 60870-5-104, Master OPC DA 3.0, Server

  • FHKW Linz
    FHKW Linz, Austria

    Products: ipConvOPC
    Protocol Stacks: OPC DA 3.0, Server IEC 60870-5-104, Master

  • OPC Foundation Self-Tested for Compliance logo is a trademark of the OPC Foundation and may be used only by written permission of the OPC Foundation. Any unauthorized use of the Self-Tested for Compliance logo is prohibited.

    OPC Foundation Self-Tested for Compliance logo indicates that these products have been tested by the manufacturer to be compliant with the following OPC Specifications:

    Data Access 2.00
    Data Access 2.05a

    Additional information about compliance testing, logo program and a summary of test results for
    ipConvOPC version 2.4.204 can be found at www.opcfoundation.org.